Monday, September 7, 2009

Kid Free Weekends

Is it bad to say that I enjoy the fact that every other weekend is kid free? I love my son and stepsons, but I really look forward to going out with my husband and having either a date or getting together with our single friends.

It's like being a young, newlywed couple every other weekend! It's a break from the stress of parenting - helping with homework, refereeing fights, cooking dinner!

My husband and I have been on the same kid schedule since we met, which is truly amazing. We didn't have to re-arrange our kid visits at all; it was meant to be.

This weekend was a perfect kid free weekend! No kids from Friday night until Monday night because of the long weekend.

We took a trip up to Maine, hung out at the bars, danced, had a fantastic dinner and just re-connected.

I guess it's both things I look forward to - a break from the kids and some good alone time with my hubby. This is one of the perks of being divorced/remarried.....


  1. You are SO lucky to have kid free weekends! Don't feel guilty! Bask in them!!!!

  2. my husband and I joked that if we ever had a baby together we'd have no one to take it every other weekend then what would we do?
