Thursday, August 27, 2009

3 Boys & a camper!

It's amazing how times gets away from you sometime....a week vacation, a week catching up at work from vacation, a week of cleaning the house after vacation and it's the end of August!

Vacation was fun, but...a camper at the beach, 3 days of sunshine and relaxtion...HAH!

Actually the boys were very good on the vacation, it was all the other little things that made this trip not so relaxing.

First night - it's hot, we turn on the A/C, but we're using my parent's camper, which we have never used before. The A/C starts making strange noises at 2am, so we shut it off. By 3am it's 85 degrees in the camper and I'm trying to quietly open windows and not wake 3 sleeping boys. Finally back to sleep and up at 7am with hungry little boys.

Second night - it's cooled off so no A/C issue....BUT we forget to bring in the trash. 3am we here the Cape Code Kitty (skunk) rustling through the trash. It is also very windy out so I'm worrying about the trash blowing througout the campground and fellow campers being annoyed. So I wake up my husband, get him up to help me. I'm whispering out the window "Shoo, Shoo" to the skunk who is completely ignoring me. My husband is doing his best not to crack up laughing and wake the boys. Back to sleep by 4am and up at 7am with hungry little boys.

Third night - we have it down and get a somewhat peaceful night sleep!

The days were busy beaching and biking and stuff! Just no sleep....

Is a family vacation ever really relaxing???

I'm am now trying to figure out how just my husband and I can get away for a relaxing long weekend....

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