Thursday, August 6, 2009

The 'Mother' at work

In my job I manage a staff of 9 people, not too big, just enough to give you a headache!

I'm amazed at how often that I use my skills as a mother to manuever around the dynamics of a team. Having to soothe hurt feelings, making sure that everyone is playing nicely and just plain keeping order.

It's been a tiring week if you can't tell by my tone :)....I've been mothering all week at work, but my son is actually off with his Dad on vacation this week, so I've haven't been mothering at home. Could I be making up for it with work, cause I miss my boy? Maybe!

All I know is that I am glad this work week is almost over....vacation next week with all my boys!


  1. I used to work in a law office where I managed a staff of five, and I did find myself doing the same thing you describe in your post.

    I think that we can't just turn off our mothering skills, and it's a good thing, because it makes us better employees.

    Enjoy your vacation!

  2. I manage a restaurant with a staff of 9 and i know what you mean. It really irritates me at times because they are all ADULTS but in order to maintain "harmony" and "balance" i must use my mothering skills...
