Saturday, September 26, 2009

The CSN...(child schedule negotiations!)

In our household we don't have just two other parent's to work schedules around but three (don't ask, it's whole other post!). So we have two other mothers and one other father that we have to try and work with to plan our lives around.

As most can relate vacations are the toughest...there are 3 children with 4 sets of parents who all want a week vacation with their kid at some point in time. Not to mention navigating around the various activities that three boys participate in - hockey, baseball (2 different teams), music lessons (2 different instruments).

Negotiations for next year have begun already - who'll get the kids on what school vacation week, which week of the summer does everyone want, when is the winter hockey trip, grandparents want to take one child to Florida for a's madness

I do have one weekend each year where I try to take my son on a weekend trip just the two of us. It gives us some nice one on one time and allows my husband some time with his boys. That is something that I always fit in!

With some major planning and an Outlook calendar loaded with events it amazingly gets managed with only a few arguements/deals with the Others.


  1. Well, kudos to you! How wonderful though, that all the adults are so involved in the boy's lives...too many times, it's just the opposite.
    Thanks for the flw/comment!

  2. Your children and divorce will affect your emotional stability if these two things collide. You need to ask divorce guide from the expert so that you can handle it well and settle for a good and harmonious agreement. This post amazed me. Keep up the good work! :)
