Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clothes Shopping for the mom that goes out to Bars

So where to shop for clothes that will work for going out with the single friends? Being divorced/remarried you have the option to go out with single friends on occassion without having to find a babysitter. This is a nice perk of my situation, but I can never find anything to wear!

I can't seem to find a store that is somewhere in between 'teenager clothes that are all two sizes too small' and 'soccer mom high-waist jeans'?

Being almost 40 but not wanting to necessarily look 40 where do you shop?? You want to look good out in the Bars with your single friends....not out of place.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

The only working Mom in the neighborhood

At least it feels that way....does anyone else feel like all the other stay at home mom's look down on you? Are you jealous that they have time to go to the gym and keep in shape, shop and truck their kids around to a million activities. Do they make you feel like throwing up??? I sure do!

My first post

So, I've started this blog to be able to rant about things and have others join in! I'm a working Mom with 1 son and 2 stepsons. Got remarried two years ago and have discovered that my life can be very comical, as I'm sure that most in my situation have found as well. So I thought I'd share some of this stuff and find fellow commisserators!